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Scripture for the day: 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Thought for the day: I love this time of year, don’t you? It’s almost a brand new year, one in which I get to forget all I’ve done wrong this past 12 months; a year in which I get to make new and exciting mistakes, hopefully ones I’ve never made before. The next few days are a good opportunity to remember the past, if for no other reason than the fact that it needs to be a lesson to us. Sunday marks the end of this year and the beginning of another and, for me at least, Sunday also marks the day I need to stop regretting what I didn’t do and focus on what God has for the next 12 months. Let’s be honest; we tend to bring so much baggage with us wherever we go, don’t we? Well, if you’re bringing more into the New Year than you can reasonably handle (and that would take in pretty much all of us I think), then let me share with you one thing that you need to remember as you face 2023 with all its additional challenges. Look around you; what do you see? Are the circumstances of your life pretty drab and ordinary? Do you stand out in a crowd or do you tend to blend in with everyone else? Does the new year hold the promise of great adventure or does it hold only the promise of more of the same old daily grind? Well, if you find yourself in the “average” category of human being (again, a state of being that fits most of us I think) then remember this:
You are special in God’s eyes
You are unique among the more than 7 billion people who inhabit this planet
God created you for a unique purpose
Remember who you are in Him.
Jim Ginn was an assistant pastor of a church in Phoenix, Arizona. It seemed his purpose was to make sure the people around him grew closer to God every day. He always said these words to people before they left his office; he said: “Remember Who You are - You are God's child; you are very precious in His sight and His precious blood was shed for you, never let Him down.”
He even bought a cap with these words stitched on it: "Remember Who You are."
These words need to be embedded in our hearts so strongly that it always pulls us out of temptations that come our way all through the year. There will be times when we are tempted to give in, but when that happens, we need to hear Jim's consistent voice (or the voice of our own hero in the faith) saying "Remember Who You Are". At that moment the love of Christ will flash in our minds and make us remember who we are, and we can just run back to Christ, who is our fortress and shelter.
Jim Ginn is no more – like so many others he has passed from this life to eternity, but his profound words will always be worth our consideration. Jim's love and dedication for Christ were important reminders for those with whom he came in contact; he helped bring many closer to Christ. I want to do the same, I want to make a difference in everyone's life who comes in contact with me, by passing on the light that Christ has given me. I want to always remember who I am in Christ and make sure others do as well.
So, this year, when Satan looks you in the face and tries to convince you that you can’t make it and you don’t matter, don't you dare give in... Just "Remember Who you are" - You are God's child, you are unique and special in His sight and His precious blood was shed for you; never let Him down.”
Now go take on your world. - Bill