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Scripture for the day: Hebrews 2:8b-9 But we have not yet seen all things put under their authority. What we do see is Jesus, who was given a position “a little lower than the angels”; and because he suffered death for us, he is now “crowned with glory and honor.” Yes, by God’s grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone.
Thought for the day: As many of you know, I like to personalize the scriptures from time to time – well, if the truth were known, all the time; and isn’t that the way it should be for each of us? Should we not be personalizing God’s message each and every time we delve into it? But I often like to paraphrase so that it speaks directly to me. For instance, 1 John 4:16 says to me, “And I have known and believed the love God has for me.” Or 1 John 2:2: “And he is the propitiation (atonement, payment) for my sins; and for mine only, but also for all the sins of the whole world.”
Here’s the understanding I want us to come to today – the God of the universe died not for mankind in general, but for every person in particular. And what does that mean to us? When Jesus the Christ went to the cross of Calvary he had in mind the entire scope of your need, your sins and your condition right here and right now; specifically, not generally. Take a moment if you need to, to let that idea sink in. In my life I’ve needed the Lord to respond to my needs specifically for I am not like you (aren’t you glad for that!?!). I have needed Him to provide forgiveness for my sins specifically for my sins are not your sins. I’ve needed him to provide a redemption tailored to my lot in life for my background is not like yours. In short, you are unique, just like everyone else. And the same is true for us all; the Lord has, in his infinite wisdom, accomplished the perfect redemption for ME. The good news is, he’s done the same for you. This concept should be a no-brainer but I’m not sure how many of us have taken the idea to such a personal level.
Now I want us to take this idea just a bit further. Before the foundation of the world the Father saw exactly what I would need in terms of forgiveness, restoration, healing; you name it. By his great power, in wisdom and strength, he began to set a plan in action that would provide for every last detail so that I could be made whole and complete in Him. Jesus undertook to provide everything needed and worked at it until he could say, “It is finished.” If you believe that, there is great hope in Christ. If not, then I pity you for you have condemned yourself to living in constant struggle and pain.
Let’s go on in our thoughts on the personal nature of redemption. Not only has the Lord provided for each of us specifically and personally; not only has he finished the task set before Him so that “whosoever believes might not perish but have everlasting life,” but he has provided these things and offered them to each of us under conditions with which we can comply. Can you imagine the cruelty of a Messiah who would do anything less? Let’s put aside the notion that God wants our salvation and restoration to be difficult for us. Let’s focus on the fact of His infinite love for a moment. And let’s assume our own sincerity in seeking forgiveness for sins and reestablishment of a right relationship. In doing so we can apprehend the statement, “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Take a moment to personalize that. “If I ask, I will receive; if is seek I will find; if I knock, the door will be opened to me. That’s a written promise from God himself, a promise he cannot break.
Now go take on your world. - Bill