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Scripture for the day: Exodus 4:1-2 Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’”
So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.”
Note: I know I’ve shared this story many times over the years but, every once in a while, the Lord brings it back to my mind and I share it again. If this is one time too many for you, don’t hesitate to skip to the end. Blessings)
Thought for the day: “Moses,” said the Lord, “we’ve talked long enough. I know you don’t feel qualified to accomplish the task I’ve asked you to undertake. And you’re not; but I am. I know that you’re frightened and confused, but I’m not. I know you don’t have the ability to speak well and that you’re a fugitive from Egyptian justice. I know all that and more but you will learn to trust me. What’s that in your hand?”
“It’s a rod; it’s my shepherd’s staff.”
“It’s a nice one Moses. What are all those marks on the shaft of that rod for?”
“Well, Lord, those are important dates in my life. See here, this one’s the date my son Gershom was born. This one is the day I married Zipporah. That one near the top there is the last day I saw my family before fleeing Egypt. Oh, and this one here is the time that bear attacked the herd and I was able to chase it off using this very staff. And Lord, look at this one; this is…
“O.K. Moses, I get it. The dates and events on there are a pretty good representation of your life, aren’t they?”
“Well, yes Lord, I guess this staff does pretty well represent my life, now that you mention it.”
“Throw it down.”
“Excuse me? Did you say, ‘throw it down?’”
“Yes Moses. Throw it down.”
“All right, but I don’t see the point… Yow! Did you see that Lord!?! That just turned into a poisonous snake; I’m not hanging around here to get bit!”
“Wait, Moses! Wait. Stop running; I’ve got it under control. I know it’s a poisonous snake but just take it by the tail and pick it up.”
“You’re kidding right? You want me to grab that snake by the most dangerous end and just pick it up? Who do I look like, Steve Irwin? That thing can twist around and kill me where I stand if I do that. I’m not picking it up; you pick it up.”
“Moses! Just trust that I know what I’m doing and pick it up.”
“Wow! That’s amazing. It turned back into my shepherd’s staff. How’d you do that?”
“I AM!” Remember? Now, what did you learn from that little incident?”
“Umm, that you’re a God of miracles? That I can trust you? That I don’t have to be afraid of snakes?”
“Well, there are those things of course. But Moses, that staff represents your life. I asked you to lay that life down and when you did, I showed you what it was like without me. It’s poisonous without me Moses, and it’ll kill you if it’s left the way it is. Do you get that?”
“Yes Lord, I do get that. Wow! That’s a pretty good lesson. But let me ask you; what does all this have to do with that whole thing about delivering the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt?”
Oh, Moses, let me explain. You laid your life down; you saw what it was like without me, and then you took it back up again, after I’d performed a miracle with it. Moses, your life is different because you surrendered it to me in faith. Now, take that rod and go to Egypt; I’m going to show you what I can do with a completely surrendered life.”
And Moses took the rod of God in his hand. The rest is history – what amazing miracles were performed through a life completely surrendered to God. So, what’s that in your hand?
Now go take on your world. - Bill