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Scripture for the day: Philippians 1:3-6 Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. I always pray for you, and I make my requests with a heart full of joy because you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am sure (confident) that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.

Thought for the day: Carefully examining a display in the drugstore, a man asked the pharmacist, "Do you really guarantee this hair-restorer?" The pharmacist responded, "Better than that, sir. We give a comb with every bottle." Wouldn't you love to have that kind of confidence?

 One man quipped, "When it comes to believing in myself, I'm an agnostic." One of the greatest problems many people experience is lack of confidence. Some don't believe in their ability to speak in public, others are afraid to try something they've never done before, and still others do not have the confidence to overcome their shyness. Do you know that you can become more confident? One effective technique is to learn to do what you're afraid to do.

 Now, here’s the thing, I’m convinced – confident if you will – that God can supply every need I have. You are too. Think about this for a moment; do you believe the Bible is true? Come on now; do you honestly, from the depths of your heart, with everything that is in you, believe that the Bible is true? Every person on earth who calls him or herself a Christian feels obligated to answer yes to that question. Now here’s the next question: do you believe that the Bible is true for you? Ah, that puts a more personal spin on it, doesn’t it? We all can say with certainty that Jesus is “The Way the Truth and the Life,” but is He your Way, your Truth and your Life? We all profess to believe Jesus when He said in John 6:37, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” But do we believe that “the one who comes” could possibly include me? We all understand the promise in these words: “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” But can we appropriate that promise for ourselves as individuals; or do we tend to think it’s good for others but God couldn’t possibly set us free?

 Paul said, “Be anxious for nothing,” and we reply, “That’s easy for you to say.” Try to remember that Paul was in prison when he wrote these words. He went on to say this: “in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.” And, “My God is able to supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Notice two things here; we are admonished to cast our worry and our fear on Him, and we’re promised His provision for every need. The question is: do you believe the Bible is true for you?

  I want to tell you a quick story. There was a man leading a seminar and, as part of an exercise he asked for three volunteers to speak to the group the next day. One young woman named Judy was the first to raise her hand. She explained later why she did so: "When he asked for three volunteers," Judy said, "I felt a knot of fear in my stomach. I've never done anything like this before and I've never really believed I could. But the fear was telling me something," she continued. "So...BECAUSE I felt so anxious, I decided that this was something I had to do. But I must to tell you, I was terrified!"

 She made up her mind to DO that which she was afraid to do. And the following day, Judy's five-minute talk was superb! She was honest and genuine, speaking right from her heart. Now she is more confident about her ability to speak in public. People who are confident have choices. People who are fearful too often avoid much of life because they are afraid to venture into unknown territory.

 Jim Loehr said, "With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp." When you make what you're afraid to do what you CHOOSE to do, you will soon have the confidence TO DO whatever you choose!

 I’m convinced that much of our “inability” to do what we know God would have us do is a lack of faith in His ability (or perhaps willingness) to provide the means by which that thing will be accomplished. So, as you head out into your day, take this thought with you: What God has called me to do, He will provide the means by which it will be done.

Now go take on your world. - Bill